Removing pet hair from carpet can be an arduous on going task and is certainly made easier with regular vacuuming. However, the hairs to tend to embed themselves deep into the fibres of your carpet and here are some ways to make the job a little easier and more effective.
Sponge Mop Method
Firstly, thoroughly vacuum your carpet. Next dampen your mop by spraying the sponge with some water. Move the mop across your carpet covering the whole area of your room. The hairs will clump and can be easily picked up or vacuumed up.
Fabric Softener Method
Mix one part fabric softener to three parts water in a spray bottle. Lightly spray the mix all over your carpet, do not saturate, it should only dampen it. Leave to dry which shouldn’t take long and then vacuum as normal. The fabric softener helps loosen the hairs.
Baking Soda Method
Lightly sprinkle baking soda all over your carpet, leave for a few minutes, then vacuum. This helps rid of pongy pet odours too!
Rubber Glove Method
Dampen some rubber gloves and wearing them rub your hands around the floor. Great method and helps keep you fit too as it can be quite strenuous.